Top 4 reasons why you must learn how to use Arduino.


Hey friends,have you heard about MCU, Arduino board is also a MCU board. In short, this is a development board that functions like  a simple computer. Like the other MCU,the Arduino development board enables  you to know how  to write code in c++ programming language,use the  knowledge gained to design real world project.

 Arduino has be ranked has one the best MCU,you can get started with Arduino even if you don't have any prior experience about it. Even people that don't have prior experience about coding can even get more benefits while working on Arduino programming. Tech hubbyist,portters has recommend Arduino development board for their students and newbies because the knowledge gained is genuinely a useful experience that can be use outside the scope of embedded systems. The lesson learnt will start manifestating instantly. I will be telling you the main reasons why newbies, regardless of your technical know out, should think of knowing how to use Arduino board. it will be an interesting experience that you will never forget,even if you are an experienced tech programmer or you are just new to it, these are the facts about arduino development board.

1). You will start making lots of awesome projects. 

Once you start learning how to code,and how to use varieties of modules and sensors that are available online,their is a few limit on what you can do with Arduino development board. 

If you want to know more about arduino you can get more scope form Arduino online communities. Their are many meaningful projects you can do with Arduino, Arduino development board  has been widely used in incorporating IoT system. Arduino development board is just like a normal circuit board,but there are lot of ic's present on the circuit board,all this components are inter-connected to each other with very tiny copper wire. All these ic's are been controlled with desame programming language,you can start Learning this language online, Arduino is an open source development can also be use has a "stand-alone system" this means you can use only an Arduino to design a project without adding another board to it. 

2) It is very affordable to start up with.

Arduino board is a cheap board,from 2005 till date, countless of Arduino board has been produced ever since. Considering that their are many things you will be able to do with Arduino board. You can start ordering your Arduino board and other modules form online store such has AliExpress,E-bay, Amazon etc, Arduino kits are readily available online,it contains everything you need to get started with. this kit contains lots of modules and sensors such has LCD display, ultrasonic Sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, photo resistor, buck converter, banana wire, jumper wire,bread board, male and female connector, male and female header,buttons, rain sensors etc.

If you have the mindset of learning computer programming,stating up with Arduino development board is the easiest thing to start up with. You will be very proficient  in both programming aspect and the hardware aspect. The Arduino board has many capabilities and almost everyday new sensors and modules are readily available online for making projects and prototypes.

3. It will make you know more about electronics.

when starting up with Arduino, this development board will enable you to know how electronics works. You didn't need any knowledge of electronics before you can get started with Arduino. Soon you will start picking up the of basic knowledge to get started. While setting up your first project,it is very to add any modules and sensors depending on what project you want to start up with. You will start creating advance projects once you know the basics.

The basics is all about know the architecture of Arduino,how to work with electronics components,and starting a beginner project. Arduino development board has an on board ic called ATmega 328pu. This ic servers has the Brain of the board,it has 28 pins which is divide in to two,it has 6 analogue pins,14 digital pins. lt also has a 16mhz oscillator,this is the clock speed,it execute any task given to the microcontroller. You will be getting use to electronics components like LEDs, capacitors,Relay, transistors, diodes. their are so many modules and sensors you will be getting use to. Sensors like  LCD display, temperature sensor, buttons, current sensor.

4. Setting up your programming skills.

Setting up your programing skills entails knowing how to use your syntax well,you will be learning how to blink a led at first,the most beautiful part of learning Arduino is that,it makes you understand both coding and sensors connections. The Arduino communities are now growing at high rate,you can now learn how to code online for free,and some may require a cheap amount of money form you. The reason why newbies prefer Arduino over other board is because, likely projects and their source code can be found online for free. They are lots of projects you can do with Arduino,most of this projects has been done before, but you can pick it and make some modification.


Arduino has become the best electronics development board ever used.Arduino has many electronics board to start with.Their are many types of Arduino board such has Arduino uno, Arduino nano, arduino mega, Arduino otta and lot more,I suggest you to start with Arduino Uno board, which is very popular arduino,and widely used. Arduino Uno board is available in two variants,original and clone.I suggest you to get the clone board, because it is less costly as compared to the original board.I suggest you to start with basic programs  below

1. Blinking a LED with Arduino;

2. Creating a LED fading program with Arduino.

3. interfacing Arduino boards with modules and sensors

4.writing code to accomplish a given task.

5. LED controlling with PC Serial port.

6. sending Analog reading and sending data to the PC serial port.

If you complete all these programs you will get good understanding of Arduino.

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