Top 3 Simple Electronics Projects for Beginners (the final part).


This article will cover the remaining electronics projects of simple first level beginners projects we covered on this platform. These projects will meet all their beginner needs, but we do not recommend you to choose these projects as last year's projects. This list contains a combination of our tested DIY projects, which are specifically tailored for beginners to electronics. So let's jump straight and take a look at the the remaining to 3 simple electronic projects for beginners, don't forget to share this article with your friends.

Automatic Night Lamp.

No 6 of our simple electronics projects is automatic night lamp. We usually turn on the lights in our homes and offices manually. We should only turn on the lights when it is dark. So what will it look like if we create a circuit that automatically turns on the lights when it gets dark? In this article, we are going to see how to automatically turn on the lights in our house when it is dark.

High Power LED Auto Night Lamp is a circuit that turns on connected LED lights at night and automatically turns off lights when it is daytime. The use of LEDs is increasing day by day due to the advantages they offer over conventional filament bulbs or fluorescent lamps. They provide good quality white light with better intensity compared to others. They also consume less energy compared to their alternatives.

This circuit explains how to control the light intensity of the night light using high power LEDs. The element used to detect light in the circuit is the light dependent resistor. The resistance of the light dependent resistor depends on the light hitting it. If the intensity of the light falling on it is greater, the resistance of the circuit decreases. If the intensity of the light falling on it decreases, the resistance of the device increases. We use this light dependent resistor property to sense light and thus make LEDs work. We organize twenty-five light emitting diodes in a matrix so that five LEDs are in series and five LEDs of this series are arranged in parallel.

Transistors are used in saturation mode. They are used as electronic switches in this mode. The BC547 transistor is a general purpose NPN transistor which is used to further switch LEDs. This is a heat sink power transistor. The heat sink helps the transistor dissipate heat generated in the air so that the transistor can handle higher power loads than it can without the heat sink.

The entire circuit as well as the LEDs are powered by a 12V DC power supply. Usually a DC battery power supply is preferable. However, you can use rectified and regulated mains power.

The LEDs used in the circuit are high power white LEDs. The intensity of the light produced by these LEDs is equal to that of an ordinary fluorescent bulb. The lighting produced is sufficient for reading or doing any other daily activity. The circuit can be mounted on a printed circuit board with all the components tidy and the LEDs in order. Try to place the LEDs with a distance of about 1cm between the LEDs so that the lighting is evenly distributed in your room.

Panic alarm using NE555 timer ic

No 7 of our simple electronics projects, I will demonstrate how to design and build a simple panic alarm circuit using the 555 Timer IC and other readily available components. This circuit can be used to activate an alarm in an emergency.

There may be a sudden panic situation. It could be due to an intruder entering our house or poor health. There may be too many situations to panic and may vary from person to person.

During such emergencies, we may not be able to become intimate with the people around us. In this article, we will see how to make a simple panic alarm, which can help us become intimate with others regarding our bad situation without delay.

Components Required

555 IC

Resistor – 1KΩ

Resistor – 22KΩ

Resistor – 100KΩ

Capacitor – 10µF

9V Battery

Push Button

Mini Buzzer


Connecting Wires

designing concept

This circuit is made with inexpensive hardware that uses a 555 timer IC, horn, resistors, and capacitors. It is designed to work reliably because it has user-friendly hardware and is not as sensitive as the 555 timer, ceramic buzzer, capacitors, etc.

Although no proprietary arrangement is used to compensate for the varying parameters, the circuit is designed by default to be robust and easy to use. It is very easy to operate with only one button to be pressed to handle the panic situation without any problem.

working principle

The IC 555 is used in Astable mode with the frequency depending on the values of resistors R2, R3 and C2. The values of R2 = 100KΩ, R3 = 22KΩ and C2 = 10µF.

By substituting the parameters given in the respective formulas for IC 555 in astable mode, the following values are obtained. The operating frequency of the circuit is calculated in 1 Hz. By finding the time period of the circuit using the frequency information, we get the time period of the circuit as 1 second. This means that the circuit has an on and off repetition period of approximately 1 second.

After analyzing the panic alarm circuit ON and OFF time period given above, we found that the circuit will stay on for about 0.845 seconds and off for about 0.152 seconds.

The circuit is in off mode when the button is not pressed and therefore the alarm will not work when the button is not pressed. Although the power supply will be supplied to the 555 IC all the time, the circuit will work in the astable mode only when the IC is enabled. The IC is in the enable mode only when pin 4 of the 555 IC receives a high voltage.

This happens only when the button is pressed. The button can be made to have a plastic case for better visibility and ease of access. For demonstration purposes, I have connected a simple buzzer to the output of the 555 IC.

Battery Level Indicator

No 8 of our simple electronics projects for beginners, I'll show you how to design a simple battery level indicator circuit using readily available components. The battery level indicator shows the battery status with only LEDs on. For example, six LEDs are on, which means that 60% of the battery capacity remains.

This article explains how to design the battery level indicator. You can use this circuit to check the car battery or the inverter. So by using this circuit we can increase the battery life.

Principle of operation

The heart of this battery level indicator circuit is the LM3914 IC. This integrated circuit takes the input analog voltage and drives 10 LEDs linearly according to the input analog voltage. In this circuit, there is no need for resistors in series with LEDs because the current is regulated by the IC.

Circuit Components

LM3914 IC

LED’s -10 (Red – 3, Yellow – 4, Green – 3)

SPST Switch

Resistors – 18KΩ, 4.7KΩ, 56KΩ

Potentiometer – 10KΩ

12V Battery (to test)

Connecting wires

In this circuit, the LEDs (D1-D10) indicate the battery capacity in dot mode or display mode. This mode is selected by the external switch sw1 which is connected to the ninth pin of the IC. Pins 6 and 7 of the IC are connected to earth via a resistor. This resistor controls the brightness of the LEDs. Here, resistor R3 and POT RV1 form a potential divider circuit. Here the RV1 potentiometer is used for calibration. There is no need for an external power supply for this circuit.

The circuit is designed to monitor 10 V to 15 V DC. The circuit will work even if the battery voltage is 3 V. The operating voltage of this integrated circuit is 3 V to 25 V DC. The Lm3914 drives LEDs, LCDs and vacuum fluorescent lamps. The IC contains an adjustable reference and an accurate 10-step divider. This integrated circuit can also serve as a sequencer.

How do I operate the battery level indicator circuit?

Connect the battery to be tested to the input of the circuit.

Now adjust potentiometer RV1 so that LED D1 starts to light up.

Now slowly increase the input DC voltage and watch the LEDs

The first LED will light for 1.2V and the second LED for 2.4V and so on

thanks for reading, watch out for our next article.


Top 5 Electronics Projects For Beginners (part 1)

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